Geo humus fertilizer 50 liters organic

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Geo humus fertilizer 50 liters organic

Geo humus fertilizer 50 liters organic

Organic Humus from the treatment of special earthworms, red California worms (Red Worms) of the varieties Eisenia Fetida and Eisenia Andrei.

Soil Fertilizer, necessary in transplants, to enhance the microbial flora of the soil organic matter and the growth of I.A.K.

Very strong load of beneficial microorganisms.

The geo HUMUS is a natural fertilizer, rich in natural ingredients and easily assimilated by all plants.

Typical analysis:
Organic Nitrogen …………………… .1% <3%
Organic Phosphorus …………… ..1% <3%
Organic Potassium …………………… ..1% <3%
Organic Substance ………………. ………… .40%
Humic ……………………. ………….… 15%
Fulvic ……. …………………………… 5%
Phytohormones (Auxins, cytokines) 600 units
Trace elements Fe, Zn, Mn, ………… 350 - 400 ppm
Beneficial microorganisms… (3 * 106 CFU / gr)
pH 6-7

  • Nutrients are provided (Relatively low content of N, P, K but its value as an organic fertilizer should not be assessed only by its content of these elements but mainly by the degree of availability to plants of all its nutrients. It also contains some other elements such as Mg, Na, S, as well as some micronutrients that are difficult to find in mineral fertilizers but play an important role in plant nutrition.
  • The Nitrogen it contains is slow release (as in all organics), it is not present in toxic concentrations, it is not lost by rinsing.
  • It has a positive effect on the physico-chemical and biological properties of the soil such as: soil aeration, water capacity, permeability, structure.
  • Increases the percentage of organic matter in the soil.
  • Increases the growth rate of roots and the density of root hairs.
  • Increases IAK (cation exchange capacity).
  • Creates a more stable pH.
  • Chelates the trace elements.
  • Increases the activity of micro-macro fauna as well as the microflora.
  • Enriches the soil with microorganisms.
  • Affects the metabolic processes of plants such as: Respiration, Photosynthesis, Distribution of sugars, Protein synthesis

Vegetables-Vegetables-Strawberries-Watermelon-Melon: 100 - 150gr in each planting hole, during the first installation of the plant
150 - 200 g at each stage of growth around the plant.
300 - 400 g during transplanting at each planting site
1 - 2 kg in young trees, superficially with good integration in the early stages of production.
70-100gr in each planting site, during the first installation and after 1 month repeat
100 - 120 g (and depending on the size of the plant or pot) superficially at each stage of development (2 applications / growing season)
300 - 400 g during transplanting at each planting site
500gr - 1 kg in young trees, superficially with good integration in the early stages of production.
50 - 150 liters per cubic meter

Information about Hummus Earthworm

CHARACTERISTICS : Organic food derived from the transformation of mature bovine manure by earthworms, is the natural organic food par excellence, odorless, rich in bacterial flora and nutrients that can be assimilated by plants as they have already undergone all the chemical and micro-chemical transformations. . Black Humus with the contribution of organic matter improves the natural characteristics and fertility of the soil in a natural way. Excellent for fertilizing all ornamental, flowering and fruit plants, vegetables and grass. Especially suitable for those who want to get natural and organic crops in their garden.

Below you will find the main advantages that make hummus a very useful product for those who grow the vegetable garden, especially if you want to use organic farming methods, discarding chemical fertilizers.

Advantages of hummus

Soil fertilizer. Humus is also an excellent fertilizer for the vegetable garden. It contains the necessary nutrients for the growth of vegetables that are ready to be assimilated by plants as all the necessary chemical and microbiological transformations have taken place thanks to the work of earthworms.

It is 100% organic. It consists exclusively of vegetable waste and manure processed by earthworms, uses no chemicals and is a completely organic and natural fertilizer, allowed in organic farming. It can therefore be used in the garden without fear.

Improve soil structure. The modifying effect of earthworm soil is amazing, it makes the soil lighter and softer and therefore easier to work, reducing on the one hand the gardening effort in the various processes (digging, weeding, transplants,…) on the other hand it can make life easier for plants take root more easily and deeply.

It has no odors . In addition, humus is an odorless fertilizer: it does not smell like manure, poultry or manure, but only has a good moist soil aroma, like that found in plants. It is therefore particularly suitable in an urban garden environment or growing on the balcony where it would be problematic to store and use products that create unpleasant odors.

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